International Network of Productive Learning Projects and Schools ( INEPS)
From the beginning the institute has regarded school development as a supra-regional and international issue. Therefore, IPLE cooperates with institutions in other countries, especially in Europe and the USA. The International Network of Productive Schools (INEPS) was founded in 1991 on the initiative of Dipl.-Päd. Ingrid Böhm and Prof. Dr. Jens Schneider in Berlin.
INEPS unites over 50 members in 15 countries.

The goals of INEPS are:
- Professional exchange through regular working congresses
- Methodical development of productive learning
- Qualification of educators within the framework of international seminars
- Preparation of learning in practice abroad for young people in Productive Learning
- Planning international exchange projects for young people and educators
- Implementation of joint development projects
INEPS events include the annual Congress for Educators and the Youth Congress. IPLE also offers members international seminars on productive learning topics. See here: Archive of IPLE events.
For more information, contact and
Contact person at IPLE for INEPS: