EUROPLE (Socrates Program)
EUROPLE- European Productive Learning Educators – was a project during which six experienced PL- based institutions and schools together with teacher-training institutes designed a course for European teachers, career counsellors and educators working with young people who are in conflict with traditional school system and traditional methods of learning and at great risk of dropping out of the school system and working life.
Nine institutions of the International Network of Productive Learning Projects and Schools (INEPS) from Finland, Greece, Hungary, France, Portugal and Germany carried out the EUROPLE project from 2005 – 2007. The project was funded by the European Union within the Socrates Program.
The goal of this project was the promotion of Productive Learning strategies for disadvantaged young people in Europe by
- developing, running and evaluating a two-year educator training programme,
- building a curriculum with comprehensive training and working material to facilitate the training programme,
- growing and strengthening an existing International Network of Productive Schools (INEPS).
The three seminars included:
- Productive Learning in non-formal education (Greece/Patras from 6 to 10 November 2006)
- Productive Learning in general education (Germany/Berlin from 15 to 19 January 2007)
- Productive Learning in vocational education (Finland/Tampere from 26 to 30 March 2007)